Nepal Tube Australia is proud to partner with TechSkills to launch NEW AbilITy Scholarship program to support Nepalese students in Australia pursuing a 3-month-long IT job-ready course. Under the initiative, a total of eight (8) scholarships will be made available across the major cities in Australia, for Nepalese students selected by Nepal Tube Australia. The selection will be based on the hybrid model, considering merit, need and inclusive aspects of the candidates coming from diverse backgrounds. This scholarship is provided and limited to the current Nepali international students living and studying in Australia. Contact Nepal Tube Australia at for further details.

What is TechSkills Job Ready Program?

TechSkills Job Ready Program is a specialised IT Career platform designed to help IT graduates kick-start their career in IT. The program focuses on providing students with the required crucial elements to get their first job in IT, including technical training starting from zero level, offering real-world work experience by partnering with IT companies, assisting with building effective resumes, preparing for interviews, as well as facilitating training for fundamental industry certifications, and providing the final stage of the hiring process: reference checks. Each student receives training on a personal level, ensuring they are well-prepared and confident to kick-start their career in IT.

Student's Contact Information

Academic Achievement

Financial Need

Community Involvement

Specialized Skills or Talents

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